SOAP elements
Follows a small example of common XML constructions written in LuaSOAP.
local simple = { tag = "symbol", "DEF", } --> <symbol>DEF</symbol>
local simple_attr = {
tag = "symbol",
anAttribute = "aValue",
} --> <symbol anAttribute="aValue">DEF</symbol>
local structured = {
tag = "PriceAndVolume",
{ tag = "LastTradePrice", 34.5, },
{ tag = "DayVolume", 10000, },
} --> <PriceAndVolume><LastTradePrice>34.5</LastTradePrice><DayVolume>10000</DayVolume></PriceAndVolume>
local structured_attr = {
{ tag = "stooges",
tag = "curly",
attr = { "xsi:type", ["xsi:type"] = "xsd:int", },
tag = "larry",
attr = { "xsi:type", ["xsi:type"] = "xsd:int", },
tag = "moe",
attr = { "xsi:type", ["xsi:type"] = "xsd:int", },
} --> <stooges><curly xsi:type="xsd:int">-21</curly><larry xsi:type="xsd:int">59</larry><moe xsi:type="xsd:int">11</moe></stooges>
Escaping example
Below is an example of a simple way of escaping strings that contain special characters. Careful must be taken to non-ASCII characters since they have to be converted according to the locale/encoding.
local escaped_element = {
tag = "StringEscapingTest",
{ tag = "string", "<this was automatically escaped>", },
{ tag = "string", 'do not re-escape my &', },
} --> <StringEscapingTest><string><this was automatically escaped></string><string>do not re-escape my &</string></StringEscapingTest>
Client example
Below is a small sample code displaying the use of the library in a
client application.
Note that the external tag might not be provided in the
table, since the
field will be used for that purpose.
local client = require "soap.client"
local ns, meth, ent = client.call {
url = "http://soap.4s4c.com/ssss4c/soap.asp",
soapaction = "doubler",
method = "http://simon.fell.com/calc",
entries = { -- `tag' will be filled with `method' field
tag = "nums",
attr = {
["xmlns:SOAP-ENC"] = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/",
["SOAP-ENC:arrayType"] = "xsd:int[5]",
{ tag = "number", 10 },
{ tag = "number", 20 },
{ tag = "number", 30 },
{ tag = "number", 50 },
{ tag = "number", 100 },
print("namespace = ", ns, "element name = ", meth)
for i, elem in ipairs (ent[1]) do
print (elem[1])